Sunday, January 14, 2018

Factors That Affect Climate

Factors :
1) Latitude : Equatorial region lie between the latitude of 0-5 degree north and south of the Equator.That is why Equatorial region are hotter that the polar region.

At the Equator :

a) The rays of the sun are vertical throughout the year,whereas the sun's rays are slanting at the poles.
b) The rays of the sun have to heat a small area whereas the rays have to heat larger area at the poles.
c) The rays of the sun have to travel a shorter distance whereas the rays have to travel a longer distance at the poles, so much of the heat is lost in the space.

2) Altitude : The plain areas are hotter than the hills and mountains. The density of air is thicker in the plain or near the surface of the earth. The air in the lower altitude contains dust particles and water vapour and they absorb more heat from the sun. As the altitude increases the air becomes thinner and thinner as they contain less amount of dust particles  and water vapour. On the other hand, with  the ascent of 165 meters in the height,the temperature decreases by 1 degree Celsius.

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3) Distance from the sea : Coastal region or the places near the sea or the ocean are comparatively  moderate  than the those places situated far away. This is due to the phenomena of the land and the sea breeze. Sea gets heated  and cools down very slowly. Therefore, the area situated near the sea are neither too hot nor too cold.They have moderate temperature. Whereas land being solid heats and cools very quickly . That is why the areas situated far away from the sea is either too hot or too cold. They  have extreme temperature. Most countries of the southern Europe have mild temperature due to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea.
4 ) Slope of the Land : Slopes facing south in the Northern Hemisphere are warmer than those facing north. This is because the rays of the sun strike the south facing slopes at a steeper or vertical angle than they do in the northern slopes. While the southern slopes are warmer and receives good amouth of rainfall in the summer.

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