Saturday, January 13, 2018

Climatic Condition

Climate :
  Climate is one of the basic element in the natural environment.It affects the landforms,soil types and vegetation.It's influences are very great on man.People of different region wear different types of clothes,live in various model houses and have various types of food due to climatic change.People living in a hot climate wear  light cotton clothes whereas people living in cold climate wears warm wollen clothes.Similarly,where the climate is hot and wet,the main occupation of the people is agriculture wheread people  follow animal husbandary in the cold and dry climate.

 Climate greatly affetcts the growth and the type of natural vegetation.An Equatorial region having hot and wet climate has evergreen tropical forest,whereas in Tundra region which is severely cold and dry has vegetation like mosses, and lichens.Climate is the average atmospheric or weather codition of an area over a considerable period of time.The elements of climate are temperature,preassure,winds and rainfall.

On the basic of  climate and natural vegetation,the whole world can be divided into different climatic  zones :
a) Tropical Zone          b) Temperate Zone         c) Frigid Zone

There are various factor that affecr climate.They are:
a) Latitude or distance from the equator
b) Altitude or the height above the sea level
c) Distance from the sea
d) Slope of the land

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