Monday, July 30, 2018

Major Climatic Region

There are six major climatic region . They are temperate, polar , mediterranean, arid, tropical and tundra.

Temperate Regions 
The temperate regions  have cold winters and mild summers and covers most of  the part of Europe , Northern America and the northern parts of Asia.  Temperate forests grow in soil fertilized by leaf litter , and have rich diversity of plants like oak, maple, elm and willow and animals like deer , bear, rabbits, squirrels and birds. Temperate grassland are dominated by flowering grasses but they are densly populated by such fauna  as lions , wolves , zebra, foxes, snakes and deer.

Polar Regions
Polar climates are very cold and dry throughout the year. like in Greenland there is very cold throught the year , so that there is no habitat for human beings but there lives some algae , few animal species include polar bears, whales , seals and penguins.

Mediterranean climate shows mild winters and hot, dry summers and include the land around the mediterranean sea, Southern south America and Southern California.  Planrs are typically shurb and less than 3 feet  tall. These type of climate are populates by small , nocturnal animals like geckos, snakes, and rodents , which are hunted by raptors like hawks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tropical Zone : Equatorial Climate

Location : Equatorial Climatic Region is found within the latitude of 5 degree north and south of the equator.

Areas : This climate is found in Amazon Basin and Guiana Coast in South America, Congo Basin and Guinea Coast in Africa, Malaysia, and East Indies.

Climatic Condition : 
                     Equatorial region receives direct rays of the sun. Thus, the cimate is hot,wet and humid throughout the year. Days and night are equal duration and there is no change in season. 
Convectional rainfall occurs in the afternoon accompanied by lightning and thunder. Annual average temperature is about 24 degree Celsius with the annual rainfall exceeding 200cm.

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife :  
   The hot and wet climate of this region supports the growth of  a dense evergreen forest. The trees are tall with hard wood and broad leaves. The main species of trees are Mahogany, Ebony , Rosewood, Sal, Bamboo, Rubber, etc. Many  ferns , parasitic plants and creepers grow beneath the tall trees. The equatorial climatic region is rich in varous species of wild birds and animals.About 90% of the living species of the world are found here.

People and Mode Of Life : The equatorial climatic region is sparsely populated due to unfavourable climate. People follow primitive way of living. They live by hunting wild animals and gathering wild fruits and edible roots. The native people of the climatic region are the Pygmies of the Congo, the Red Indians of the Amazon Valley, and the Semang, Sakai, and Dayaks of the Indonesia. However some advanced forest dwellers have started  shifting cultivation along with hunting and food gathering. The lifestyle of the many  people living in South-East Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore are more advanced than the people of Amazon and Congo region due to European influences.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Climatic Region Of the World: Factors That Affect Climate

Climatic Region Of the World: Factors That Affect Climate: Factors : 1) Latitude : Equatorial region lie between the latitude of 0-5 degree north and south of the Equator.That is why Equatoria...

Factors That Affect Climate

Factors :
1) Latitude : Equatorial region lie between the latitude of 0-5 degree north and south of the Equator.That is why Equatorial region are hotter that the polar region.

At the Equator :

a) The rays of the sun are vertical throughout the year,whereas the sun's rays are slanting at the poles.
b) The rays of the sun have to heat a small area whereas the rays have to heat larger area at the poles.
c) The rays of the sun have to travel a shorter distance whereas the rays have to travel a longer distance at the poles, so much of the heat is lost in the space.

2) Altitude : The plain areas are hotter than the hills and mountains. The density of air is thicker in the plain or near the surface of the earth. The air in the lower altitude contains dust particles and water vapour and they absorb more heat from the sun. As the altitude increases the air becomes thinner and thinner as they contain less amount of dust particles  and water vapour. On the other hand, with  the ascent of 165 meters in the height,the temperature decreases by 1 degree Celsius.

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3) Distance from the sea : Coastal region or the places near the sea or the ocean are comparatively  moderate  than the those places situated far away. This is due to the phenomena of the land and the sea breeze. Sea gets heated  and cools down very slowly. Therefore, the area situated near the sea are neither too hot nor too cold.They have moderate temperature. Whereas land being solid heats and cools very quickly . That is why the areas situated far away from the sea is either too hot or too cold. They  have extreme temperature. Most countries of the southern Europe have mild temperature due to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea.
4 ) Slope of the Land : Slopes facing south in the Northern Hemisphere are warmer than those facing north. This is because the rays of the sun strike the south facing slopes at a steeper or vertical angle than they do in the northern slopes. While the southern slopes are warmer and receives good amouth of rainfall in the summer.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Climatic Condition

Climate :
  Climate is one of the basic element in the natural environment.It affects the landforms,soil types and vegetation.It's influences are very great on man.People of different region wear different types of clothes,live in various model houses and have various types of food due to climatic change.People living in a hot climate wear  light cotton clothes whereas people living in cold climate wears warm wollen clothes.Similarly,where the climate is hot and wet,the main occupation of the people is agriculture wheread people  follow animal husbandary in the cold and dry climate.

 Climate greatly affetcts the growth and the type of natural vegetation.An Equatorial region having hot and wet climate has evergreen tropical forest,whereas in Tundra region which is severely cold and dry has vegetation like mosses, and lichens.Climate is the average atmospheric or weather codition of an area over a considerable period of time.The elements of climate are temperature,preassure,winds and rainfall.

On the basic of  climate and natural vegetation,the whole world can be divided into different climatic  zones :
a) Tropical Zone          b) Temperate Zone         c) Frigid Zone

There are various factor that affecr climate.They are:
a) Latitude or distance from the equator
b) Altitude or the height above the sea level
c) Distance from the sea
d) Slope of the land